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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Spring Fest Wrap Up

Spring Fest is over for another year and despite some terrible weather and the two football grand finals, people still made the effort to come up to the Villages and attend the events, lectures and open gardens on offer. This week we were pleased to hand over cheques to the CFA totalling $4,223 which were raised for them during Spring Fest.

Thank you to the committee, advertisers and everyone who gave their time and expertise to the events, it wouldn't happen without you.
Being able to bundle a variety of events that run over a period of time under one umbrella such as Spring Fest is important to the region. It gives us sustained exposure over a whole season and increases visitation on an ongoing basis. It also gives us a great medium by which to push traffic to the Vllages website with all the wonderful businesses on there.
In the New Year we will be discussing the future of Spring Fest and invite anyone who is able to bring their time and expertise to the table to let us know. There are plenty of excellent ideas that we would like to implement but they take peoples commitment to give their time to make them happen. If your business is in a particular sector that you would like to have promoted then we ask you to think about taking on that segment as a project for the next Spring Fest.

Please email to receive notification of the initial meeting in the New Year.

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