A meeting was held on August 13th with the Executive and representatives from SYR in response to our letter of request for several projects on the Ridge.
Present were Geoff Davies, Senior Roads Engineer, James Martin, Manager Community Relations Village Entry Signage, Gary Bateman, Urban Designer Hills Project
Road Works
Geoff Davies discussed road sealing, Woodlands Ave and Prince St Sassafras are private roads, to seal these would require the land owners to agree to the cost, SYR contribution is the engineering and organization of the work to be done which is about 20% of the total cost, a survey can be conducted on each street to see if there is a 70% agreement by landholders on this initiative. A survey was done about 8 years ago but as the parking next to the nursery is part of the road reserve due to cost it was rejected by the land owners. Dust suppressant treatment was also a possibly for these roads and can be arranged at a cost within SYR Asset Maintenance Programme.
Parson’s Lane required drainage work and construction using the 3metre easement acquired by SYR from the commercial properties abutting Parson’s Lane, this was possibly a Roads to Recovery Project as it could be classified as having Community benefit, this will be followed up with Cr Noel Cliff.
Service Rd at rear of IGA Mt Dandenong, this is a Council Road, half of it has been sealed by IGA, we asked if they look at improving the entry to the service Rd at the Bendigo Bank end and we can apply for naming of this road through SYR Corporate Services. Geoff Davies was to follow up on this request.
Bus Shelters- we expressed our desire for a more aesthetically pleasing bus shelters, this request was rejected as I ideas of what is a bus shelter that would enhance our area will not pass regulations, we did however request a gable roof on any new bus shelters installed rather than the bull nose roof we currently have. Geoff Davies promised to enquire with the manufacturers to see if this is possible.
Village Entry Signs
The new SYR Village entry signs are well on their way. SYR has designed a sign for the “Villages of Mt Dandenong” to be placed at each end of the Mountain, possibly at Ferny Creek and Five Ways area.
Individual Villages will also have new signs either side of their indicating village names, Sassafras, Mt Dandenong and Olinda. Where possible these signs will be placed where the current signs are already as no permission will need to be sort from Vic Roads, we will however be looking at their placement closely, if anyone has any thoughts on alternative positioning of these signs in their village please contact us and let us know your ideas on business@villagesofmtdandenong.com.au
Hills Project
Gary Bateman is now responsible for “The Hills Project”, a feasibility study has been completed on creating a footpath from Montrose to Upwey and the first stage will be Kalorama to Mt Dandenong as this stretch received the highest vote by the Community, no date as yet for commencement but it will happen.
Directional signage in each Village for things such as toilet’s, ATM, Police station, chemist etc was discussed, Gary was to look into the design and placement of these signs.
Shuttle Bus Feasibility Study
A meeting was held with Michael Krypuy from Buchan Group who has been employed by SYR to create two models of how a shuttle service could operate up here, this would include a business plan that can then be put out for tender to bus companies. Michael has met and talked with many stakeholders and businesses on the mountain to determine how this service might work, Villages emphasized the potential benefit of this service would enable us to bring more tourists up from the city midweek who currently have no way of getting here. We look forward to the final result.
Vic Roads Tourism Signage
On 8th September the Executive met with Michael Hibbert from Shortlist Marketing who has been employed by SYR to coordinate a Signage Committee that consists of the main Tourism stakeholders within SYR. This project has come out of the new SYR Tourism Policy. Judy Ischia will be the Villages representative on this committee which is holding its first meeting on the 23rd September. The purpose of this committee is to create new Tourism signage from the freeway signage right down to individual B&B signage using the new Vic Roads signage Policy document.
Matt Mills State Liberal Candidate for Monbulk
Matt has requested to attend our next Villages Meeting. Matt has already met with a number of business owners and is keen to meet more of us and here what our concerns are. He has already arranged Louise Asher Shadow Minister for Small Business to come to the Mountain and walk the streets, Matt has been impressed with what we are doing within the Villages Association and is wanting to highlight our achievements to Ms Asher.
Please put the next meeting date Tuesday 18th October in your diary, now Spring is here we are looking for a big attendance of members next month, we need you there, come and hear what’s going on and have your say, drinks are available at the RSL too, if your inclined.
If there are any local matters or concerns that you wish to bring to the attention of the Villages Executive please contact the following people:
Judy Ischia is your contact for:
Fire signs and Fire Issues, Shire of Yarra Ranges Enquiries, Vic Roads, Local Politicians
Judy is contactable on business@villagesofmtdandenong.com.au and 0439931959
Lisa Simpson is your contact for:
Villages Website, Infopoints, What’ On Events Inclusions, Newsletter inclusions
Lisa is best contacted by email on marketing@villagesofmtdandenong.com.au
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